I want to write.  I have ideas in my head and a laptop in front of me, and I even have time on my hands… and yet…  I do everything to stop the creative process.  Why do you suppose I would choose to fill my life with noise… with distraction… with things that lead to the destruction of the muse?  She is begging me to set her free – to unlock the chains that bind her – to let her run and dance and fly…  and instead of listening, I continue to turn up Netflix and YouTube and NPR and Pogo and chat and phone calls and anything else that will stop me from hearing her cries.  Why, why, why???

There once was a woman named Lori
Who deep in her heart had a story.
And when she would listen
The words – they would glisten
And make a superb allegory,

Though life gave her many large hurdles
It made her mind strong and quite fertile
But most times instead
Of forging ahead
She’d hide in her shell like a turtle.

Inside this shell she felt protected
Much less chance she might be rejected
She could hide there, unwary,
Feeling not quite so scary
Safe and alone, disconnected

Old habits, so hard to be broken
Left Lori with so much unspoken
And when she did speak it
She still had to tweak it
For fear judgement might be awoken.

One major and true explanation
For holding back and hesitation
Was that in the past
When truth tumbled out fast
It was mostly met with condemnation

Hard facts in her story’s rendition
Should they not give her some small permission
To keep things inside
To tiptoe and hide
And not add to a life of perdition?

The gurus of New Thought would say how
It’s the past and you must move away now
Just let it all go
If you choose not to grow
It’s your fault – and your faith’s not okay now

With winds of uncertainty blowing
She turned to new places for knowing
She was seeking more love
But most times got a shove
Back to where guilt and shame were still flowing

There still is a woman named Lori
Who's still finding her heart’s allegory
She’s trying to listen
For words that might glisten….
But until I love Me – there’s no story

Just For One Day

I stumbled upon the following in my files - written exactly 8 years ago, just after President Obama was inaugurated.  I think it applies as much or even more today than it did then.


Just for one day, I will close my ears to the grumbling and the pessimism and believe with the hopeful innocence of a child that the world is about to get better, not because some new President will make it so, but because we will.

Just for one day, I'll close my eyes to the troubles that plague us, and think only about the power and the good that I've seen is possible when enough of us believe and put our hearts together and lend our hands to the work.

Just for one day, I will believe that all children can have more than enough food, more than enough health and strength, more than enough education, more than enough warm clothes and soft beds and kind friends - more than enough care and smiles and love.

Just for one day - I will believe this wish that many call naive but that I am yearning for with all my heart… 

Just for one day… and then for another… and for another… until it is the only truth there is.

LAE  1-24-09   

Dedicated, with love, to my precious grandkids!

The Undissolved Bather Speaks

    2-18-06   This blog used to be filled with my writings - but somewhere - over years of being ignored, it's contents disappeared. ...