2-18-06 This blog used to be filled with my writings - but somewhere - over years of being ignored, it's contents disappeared. So - to start with - I am going to post past things from another blog - things that were here but "dissolved" - and once I get those things posted - I hope to start posting anew. We'll see how that goes!
Here's the first blog post I ever wrote.... back in the beginning of 2006: |
A while ago, my very good friend and atypical twin brother from another mother Alan told me about this online journal thing where you could write whatever is on your mind, and then display it for friends, family and total strangers to read. I wasn't sure I wanted people gawking at the inner gyrations of my psyche, which are usually the fodder for my journaling. With my usual lightning-fast decisiveness, I considered it for several months, all the while watching Alan's incredibly creative mind evolve within his blog. He is an impressive writer; far more impressive than I. He writes sonnets and all sorts of odd poetry forms, as well as essays and commentaries and on and on. Reading his blog was daunting, to say the least. But being the older twin (by 19 years... it's a long story), I could not let this young whipper-snapper outdo me. So here I am, blogging away - with no idea what I want to say or where this all will go. Not knowing who my audience might be doesn't make it any easier. I like absolutes in life. I am a great editor and proof reader. Give me somebody else's stuff in black and white and I can make it tight and eloquent and shiny like the Chrysler Building. But as a blogger, I am required to pull things out of my own experience and mental meanderings and write them down. Since I am compelled by my codependent personality to do what is required of me... I will reach up and grab things out of the air and write about them. I will do that... but not today. Today I will go to Amazon and look for The Idiot's Guide to Blogging. Maybe it will give me some pointers so I can keep up with my little brother.
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