365 days roll to a grinding halt
and suddenly it is one instant past midnight...
and everything is new again.
We start with the best of intentions,
laying out our goals, our plans,
our dreams for the coming year,
our 365 chances to succeed...
or are we more likely to focus
on all the possible ways we can fail?
Maybe it’s not about success or failure.
just maybe,
the trying is the point,
the planning is the point,
the hope for something finer, more real,
more worthy of our amazing selves
is the point.
We aspire to perfection
but why do we lead ourselves
to such a precarious height?
Rather than getting prepared to fail,
why not meet out our dreams
with a steady, life-sized hand
and a steady, life-sized heart,
and forgive ourselves now for what we won’t do,
and praise ourselves now (like a loving parent)
for all the things we WILL do?
Does that little creature lurking on your shoulder
snicker when it hears these words?
Does it say
“What a bunch of BS – sugar coated hogwash!”
Pat it on the head and say
“Thank you for sharing.”
Then make the choice
for your joy,
for your peace,
for your enlightenment,
for the glorious one who is you.
365 days to fully embrace the wonder of you…
the beloved,
the unique, the best…
the only magnificent you there will ever be!
LAE 2016
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