I Am Still Here

I am Lori.


I am mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, friend

I am frightened and suspicious of love  - I love far too deeply for safety


I am a survivor of soul-bursting sexual, emotional and religious abuse

I have suffered great pain at the hands of those who said they loved me.

I am actress, comedian, singer, performer

I am rarely comfortable in my skin unless there is an audience, a role, and a costume.


I am a little tall and not at all thin

I am a former athlete now trapped in a pain-racked body that sometimes can barely move.


I am bright, expressive, witty, creative

I am a star-shaped peg in a life of round and square and triangular holes


I examine things too much, feel too deeply, cry too easily

I am often overwhelmed with emotions I cannot contain or control


I have sometimes been far too trusting, so now I rarely trust.

I long to have faith, but skepticism screams more loudly


I keep my drawbridge up most of the time

I am more faithful than a Collie when I do let someone in.


I am outraged by spiritual “Pollyanna-ism” 

I do not believe that everything can be fixed with happy thoughts and affirmations.


I sometimes knowingly choose to keep both eyes squeezed shut

I fight not to stare at all the broken things I cannot repair.


And yet…


I am still breathing in and out – in that order.

I am still believing there might be a "do-differently.”

I am not a quitter.  I am not lazy.  I am not through with this run.

I keep my head enough above the water to breathe in and out – in that order..


I am still capable of great love and great creativity.

I still dream of an "adjusted" life  - or of finding acceptance of this one.


I am exhausted down to my bone marrow

and yet…

I am still here.

The Undissolved Bather Speaks

    2-18-06   This blog used to be filled with my writings - but somewhere - over years of being ignored, it's contents disappeared. ...