I wait for the sunrise,
feel the chill in the desert air,
know the smell of dew on creosote
and the sound of coyote’s last call.
Soon the sun will come,
the chill will go and the dew will dry.
The creatures of the day will replace the creatures of the night.
Fox, rattlesnake, prairie dog, hawk,
each with its own purpose – its own Divine holy life,
and they move forth in their world with no concern
for what they will wear,
or what others will think
or where they will be when the darkness returns.
I wait for the sunrise.
The Universe turns up the volume on the Cicadas
and the buzzing rises to a dull roar.
The glow on the horizon becomes a bright bump of color
slowy expanding into the fullness of its blazing round.
Sun floods the desert with its brilliance
while four grey-brown lizards, basking in its glow,
never worry, not even for one moment,
about who is paying for all
this Light.
I wait for the sunrise.
The desert is a harsh place but the cycle of life is strong.
The hearty survive,
without malice - without hateful intent.
Life simply continues
whatever that requires.
I wait for the sunrise
and imagine a place with no wars
No hatred
Peaceful coexistence
Living in the moment – filled with hope
Being what we were created to be, every day, all the time.
The ever-changing song of the Mockingbird tells it all:
“Hope is everywhere. Nature is at peace!”
Imagine that.
Imagine that kind of peace and hope in our human world.
I wait for the sunrise…
and the rise of peace for all creatures on earth.
LAE 2004