Molly never met or even talked to
Savannah Angel. She did see all the pictures I plastered on Facebook, like any self-respecting grandmother worth her salt would do. And she instantly responded when she heard about the physical challenges Savannah was facing. Like Savannah, Molly was born with a congenital defect, although Savannah's is a Chiari
Malformation, which is neurological, and not intestinal like Molly's Hirshprungs Disease. But Molly knew from personal experience what it
was like for Savanah to have 7 major surgeries and extended PICU/hospital stays
before the age of 3. Molly understood what it
was like for Savannah to be "different" - and to have a life that was not like the
lives of other kids she knew. She had
also seen how hard it was to be the mother (or grandmother) of a child who was
chronically and sometimes critically ill - to watch them hover at the gateway
to the next world and not be sure how long they would stay here this time

In June of 2013, after only a brief 24 years on this planet, Molly's body had finally had all it could take, and she made her transition. We talked to Savannah about Molly's spirit still being with us, and about her being a special angel now. Being only 3 at the time, and not really understanding the concept of death, Savannah just accepted what we said. She was sad - and then she moved on, as young children are blessed to do. She was just too young to linger on it.
About a week after Molly passed, my daughter was in the car with
Savannah. Molly had not been mentioned for several days, but out of the blue this tiny, wise and connected child said,
that angel is here."
"What angel?" my daughter asked.
Savannah replied, " You know - that girl angel."
It was Molly.

I don't actually believe we become angels when we die. That was just the easiest way to explain it
to a young child, who I call my "Angel Girl." But if Molly comes to Savannah in the form of an angel - who am I to argue with that? I
do believe that after our physical bodies are gone, a part of us remains with those we love and have shared our lives with, and we
can still connect with them in different ways when we allow it to happen. It's not something mystical or magical… but then again, maybe
it is. It's the mystical magical power of love…and when it's real, it lasts forever!
For more of Molly's story go to August 2013
"24 Years and 7 Months"
I just saw this post and a big smile hit my face....I was there the night Molly was born, her Mom and me go way back to teenagers with horses. I saw the struggles Molly and Melissa went through year after year...it was such a blessing that Molly got to experience a "normal"( if you can it that) life as a young woman if even for just a short while..her horses, young love, a life where she could eat real food, college...Such triumphs....
There is now way I can put here how I feel....just know that this is such a gift to all who love Molly and her Mom....
I am so glad she is still being there for your sweet Savannah!
Sandy - thank you so much for your lovely comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the post!
Sandy - did you see the other post about Molly? Wednesday, August 21, 2013 - "24 Years and 7 Months"
I realized after I wrote this who you were! I love your blog Lori!!!! And yes, I saw that post...you are a beautiful writer...be very proud...:)
Merry Christmas Lori!
Thank you so much Sandy! I am blessed with beautiful subjects to write about - like Savannah and Molly!
Hope your holiday is filled with love, peace, joy and laughter!!
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