3-5-06 And the Lion Shall Lie Down with the Lamb

Today peace came to me in the sound of water
Rippling over river rocks
And a deep sense of connection to Mother Earth
As I sat on a sandy riverbank.

Today peace came to me in an afternoon escape from
Asphalt and automobiles
Streetlights and city sites
Traffic jams and radar cams

Today peace came to me in the form of a majestic blue heron
Poised still as a statue on a large gray stone
By a rocky river in the desert.
Peace came in the spreading of those magnificent dusky blue wings
And a graceful lift off into a stormy gray sky.

Today peace came to me in the roaring silence of wind over water
Waves slapping the shore
And a sliver of moon in a smoky-gray cloud-filled sky.

Nature understands about peace.
Peace is coexisting in the fullness of our uniqueness.
It is not about homogenization
Not about blending
Not fading together so all is the same.
Peace is human and heron
Sitting by the same river
Existing in the same sacred space
In harmony.

Nature understands about peace
The Coyote has no political agenda…
Does not envy the soft brown coat of the rabbit
Or the soaring of the eagle.
Cougars do not whisper insults behind each other’s backs
The animal kingdom does not create strife and anger
With their judgmental ways.

Nature understands about peace.
Animals do not form governments and military institutions
To force their beliefs on another species.
The dove does not coerce the butterfly to eat what doves eat
Or live where doves live
Or think what doves think

Nature understands about peace
Dove with butterfly with eagle
Sharing space with cougar and rabbit and heron
Living their lives in the moment
Being who they really are.

Nature understands about peace
There is no comprehension of war
The lion may not lie down with the lamb
But neither does the lamb gather forces to kill all the lions.

Today peace came to me in the form of a river
A lake
And a blue heron.
And for a time, peace was all that existed for me
Peace is all that nature knows.
How our world would change if the human species
could rise to the mindfulness and wisdom
Of our brothers and sisters in nature.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

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