A Talk with my Therapist


I've been in therapy in various forms for almost 40 years.  I am still here today because of some skilled, caring and compassionate  therapists who really made a difference.  I also had therpists who were clueless and just made things worse.  The following dialogue was written about 10 years in, when I was disillusioned, frustrated and ready to quit. Life was a solid black 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle with no flat edge pieces... and it felt like my therapists just kept stealing puzzle pieces when I wasn't looking. But ever hopeful, I kept trying.  This was an imaginary conversation with my therapist that explains how I felt. (Sarcastic humor never fails me)

THERAPIST:  Just flap your wings and fly like a bird.

ME:  That's it?  Fly like a bird? 

THERAPIST:  That's it. You've tried everything else.  If you can just fly, you'll be okay.         

ME:  But I'm not a bird.

THERAPIST:  There you go with your negative thinking again.  You'll never get well if you keep thinking like that.

ME:  I don't know how to fly.

THERAPIST:  Of course not.  You've never done this before.  But that doesn't mean you can't do it.  It's just unfamiliar to you.

ME: So if I learn to fly, I'll finally be sane?

THERAPIST:  You got it.  Flying equals mental health.

ME:  Okay.  You're my therapist.  I trust you.

THERAPIST:  Good attitude!

 ME:  I'll just climb up here on this cliff and get my balance... like this?

THERAPIST:  That's right.

 ME:  It's really a long way down from here.  A long long way down.

 THERAPIST:  That's okay.  You'll be flying.  It won't matter.

 ME:  I'll be flying.  Right.  Now I just flap my arms really fast...

 THERAPIST:  And then you leap off the cliff.

 ME:  Right.  Flap my arms really fast and leap off the cliff.  You're sure this will make  me well?

 THERAPIST:  Positive.

 ME:  Did it work for you?

 THERAPIST:  Oh, I've always known how to fly.  I'm the therapist.

 ME:  Right.  I forgot.  Just flap my arms really fast and jump off the cliff, and I'll fly and be well.  Here I go.

THERAPIST:  Don't forget the Swahili part.

 ME:  The what?

THERAPIST:  The Swahili part... where you say "Flying will make me well," in Swahili.

ME:  But I don't speak Swahili.

THERAPIST:  There you go with that negativity again.  You have to give yourself more credit.

 ME:  But I really don't speak Swahili!  What do I say?

THERAPIST:  Just make it up.  You have to trust me.  Just these two little things and you'll be well.  Isn't that worth the risk?

ME:  Just make it up, huh?  Okay.  Move over to the edge, flap my arms really fast  and say, um, "chee chee koo la kee lee!"  Flying will make me well!  I believe it will work.  "Mo ta tee lo kambwa!'  I'm taking the risk. I'm trusting the process. "Koo loo tamba leetu." 

 I'm jumping.

    I'm flapping.

         Am I flying?

            Feels like falling.

                Definitely falling.








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